Friday, May 20, 2011

Dissapeared Part 3

       "Yes, well young one I know who you are but I doubt you know me.  I'm very old." She stated.  "I'm Gloria Gregory, I'm just like you are and I come here because you need to come to our world, evergreen.  You need to understand who you've become and what different powers you have.  We should probably get going about now."  Gloria said, she was a nice woman and didn't look a day over 26, and for some reason Marny trusted her instantly.
       "Well I am allowed to come back to ya know this place or is it against the rules?"  Marny asked she admitted to herself that she should learn more about what she was before she went out to look for her parents carelessly.
       "Of course, we just like to take precautions so you don't get in trouble that's all."  Gloria answered with a sweet smile, showing off perfectly white teeth.
       "When you mean we, just how many are there of our kind?"
        "About 300 give or take a couple, not many of us are made on average, but you're about the first one in about five years.  Although one was made approxomitly three days ago, male."  Gloria said bluntly, "we should get going then okay?  You're not going to get hurt, we are very friendly people."
       "Yeah I trust you, alright lets go."  Marny picked her lime green backpack- her favorite color- from the floor and followed Gloria out of the house.

*More next week


  1. I like that you make them talk like normal people but that they are these unique half vampire things. I wonder what would happen if you made the boy that was just made meet marny. I wish I could read more.

  2. I still really like this. I wonder what next week is going to be like. I wish I could have kept reading.

  3. I agree with Jordyn. It's cool how you make them like normal people when they are really these vampires. I wonder how your story is going to end up ending! I wish I knew. :)

  4. I like your story so far a lot and I like that it is different. I also like that you write another part of your story every week, I think it keeps all of us interested. I wish I could read the next part of your story now. I wonder what your story would be like if you explained the world more.

  5. Lizzy, I really liked the story because it made me want to read part one and two! I really wonder what happened before and what is going the happen next! I wish I could read the ending right now!

  6. I like that you make everything seem so real, and talk normal just like they all said ^ (: I cant wait for part 4!
