Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dissapeared Part. 6

       "See you later."  Shane said.
       "Yeah, you too," Marny returned.  They walked away from each other, Marny headed toward the place where Gloria was leaning against a shiny brass railing.  That was near the apartment complex, it was completely made out of glass and looked brand new.  "Sorry I took so long."
       "It's alright.  So there are only a few people that live here, it was built about six weeks ago.  Only you, Shane, Tom, and I live here."  Gloria said surprised.
       "Who's Tom?"  Marny asked, she had never heard before.
       "My husband."  Gloria said simply.
       "Is he a spirituaer also?"  Marny asked curiously she wondered if humans or vamps could live in their world. 
       "Of course," Gloria said surprised Marny would ever think such a thing. 
       "This is kind of off the topic but can two spirituaers have babies?"  Marny asked so many question popping up in her head.
       "Yes, but it's very rare and I've never witnessed it only heard about it twice happening." Gloria said.
       "Huh, interesting," Marny was thinking about questions, that she didn't even realize they were already outside Marny's apartment.  The wood door was an ugly white color, Marny made a mental note to get some lime green paint to spruce it up.  Marny slowly walked through the door, turning the handle like it might fall off.  "Wow..."

*****  more next week :) *****

Friday, June 3, 2011

Dissapeared Part 5

       "Hey," he said finally speaking, his voice was like silk flowing on her body; sweet and smooth.  "I'm Shane.  What's your name?"  Shane asked politely.
       "Marny, so you must be the youngest whatever we're called right?"  Marny asked, she couldn't think of it when staring into his eyes.
       "Spirituers, yeah only by three weeks though.  YOu would have been her sooner except they couldn't figure out where you were."  Shane laughed his curly ended light brown hair bobbing up and down.  His laugh was beautiful if you can even say that about a laugh.  When Shane laughed his eyes scrunched up, it was the cutest things Marny had ever seen.
       "Yeah well I was looking for my parents.  Vampires kidnapped me over a year ago.  I'm going back after I get settled here."  Marny said wondering if she had said too much.
       "I was doing the same, I was stolen like 7 years ago when I was 11.  I hunted down my sister to find out after I ran away from where i was kept the vampires located and killed her right before I got there.  I walked in on them sitting there laughing watching the big vampire suck the life out of her.  They saw and attacked me trying to turn me into one of them.  I was saved at the last minute, some guy came in and killed all of them and then called Gloria.  So I know how you feel."  Shane said, wiping a tears that escaped from his far away eyes.  Marny felt guilty because she thought her situation was horrible when his was horrendous.  They had something in common though.
        "Hey Marny let's go!  It's been over a minute, he'll be here later."  Gloria yelled really impatient now.
        "Go ahead, I will be around later,  I don't plan on going anywhere soon."  Shane said bending down to kiss Marny's forever.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Dissapeared Part 4

       Marny couldn't believe the place she was in now, it was beautiful.  It was like a gorgeous forest, but when you got deeper into where the houses and businesses it became identical to a village, but more modern.  There were others- the same as her- seated at coffee shops, strolling around, greeting, and acting friendly with each other.  They all carried big crystal white grins on their faces.
       Marny didn't realize that Gloria had stopped walking until Marny ran into a pole and landed on the soft cool soil on her but.  Marny looked around embarrassed, but no one had seen her incident except Gloria and she wasn't laughing.  She was about to get up when a hand flashed in front of her and grabbed Marny's hand and pulled her upward. She didn't look at his face, she looked at her hands, together.  When he grabbed her hand Marny had felt a warm sensation of electricity go through her body.  It seemed like forever until Marny's eyes found his.  They were a intoxicating glacier blue.  Marny had never seen a boy so pulchritudinous in her entire life.  They stared at each other for a long while until someone broke the spell, it was Gloria.
       "Alrighty Marny let's go you may chat later, after we get your living arrangements settled," Gloria said as she sounded irritated, but she was wearing a smile on her face.
       Marny forced herself to pull her hand away and looked at Gloria.  "Okay," Marny said, "just give me a minute?"  Marny asked.
       "Fine fifty nine seconds and counting."  Gloria stalked away grumbling something about teenagers.  Marny turned toward the boy that was standing there looking amazing hot.

      **More Next Week :D**

Friday, May 20, 2011

Dissapeared Part 3

       "Yes, well young one I know who you are but I doubt you know me.  I'm very old." She stated.  "I'm Gloria Gregory, I'm just like you are and I come here because you need to come to our world, evergreen.  You need to understand who you've become and what different powers you have.  We should probably get going about now."  Gloria said, she was a nice woman and didn't look a day over 26, and for some reason Marny trusted her instantly.
       "Well I am allowed to come back to ya know this place or is it against the rules?"  Marny asked she admitted to herself that she should learn more about what she was before she went out to look for her parents carelessly.
       "Of course, we just like to take precautions so you don't get in trouble that's all."  Gloria answered with a sweet smile, showing off perfectly white teeth.
       "When you mean we, just how many are there of our kind?"
        "About 300 give or take a couple, not many of us are made on average, but you're about the first one in about five years.  Although one was made approxomitly three days ago, male."  Gloria said bluntly, "we should get going then okay?  You're not going to get hurt, we are very friendly people."
       "Yeah I trust you, alright lets go."  Marny picked her lime green backpack- her favorite color- from the floor and followed Gloria out of the house.

*More next week

Friday, May 13, 2011

Dissapeared Part.2

        It had been a year since Marny got kidnapped, during that long dreadful year she has been tortured, raped, cut, and had gotten bruises all over her white pastel skin.  She escaped, it had taken a long time but she did it.  The problem though was that nobody alive could see her, she was like a ghost but not.  The people that kidnapped her were vampires, they tried to turn her into one by draining her blood and filling it back with their own.  They didn't finish,  Marny was in the middle of the change when she ran away from that horrid place.  I suppose you might think a lot of people get turned into a zombie like thing when you get  stuck in the in-between stage, you don't.  You're like a ghost except that everybody can touch, see, hear you beside humans.  That's what happened Marny, when she escaped she had to walk and run over 200 miles to reach her old house.  Her family wasn't in the house, but she was going to find them and give them a sort of sing that she was okay.  Just then Marny tensed, she could feel someone entering the room behind her.  She turned around to see a brown curly headed girl with gentle blue eyes staring at her.
       "Hi," she said as a sort nice sort of creepy smile spread across her face.  Marny felt weirdly safe in her presence.
       "Hello,"  Marny answered back, "do I know you?  I apologize if I do and am just not remembering."  Marny stated apologetically the girl didn't answer for what seemed like a long time."
       "Yes, well young one I know you but I doubt that you know me.......
*More next week :)*

Friday, May 6, 2011

Dissapeared Part.1

       The room was empty as Marny walked through her  old creaky bedroom door.  The room felt like it was surrounded in creepy cool air.  The only thing left was a medium sized brown moving box except it didn't look like it was going anywhere.  She walked toward it slowly, when she stopped in front of the box she was that Marny's junk was scrawled across the the top.  Marny peeked inside and couldn't hide her gasp as she saw that lying there in the box were her favorite things.  Pictures of her friends and family, her football trophies, her teddy bear john, and her most favorite possession the diamond necklace with the locket that lied gently on her throat.  Marny had gotten that necklace on the day of her 17th birthday, she sat down on the floor and let her emotions get to her.  After she was finished she grabbed the necklace, put it on and threw the rest off her thing into the backpack she brought with her.  She didn't blame her parents for leaving this house.  It wasn't their fault they didn't know she was alive.
********** Flashback (1 year ago) **********
       Marny was walking to school, which was only three blocks away so she was pretty safe.  Today there was a different type of feeling lingering in the air, like danger.  That's when Marny noticed that there was a 2006 blue SUV following her.  She started walking faster, she could her the SUV getting closer and getting faster .  Marny started to sprint-she could now see the sins of her high school- toward the school, but they had gotten so close.  A man had reached out and grabbed her.  The last thing she heard was her own screaming before she fell into a hole of glistening darkness.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Taken Away Part One

       It had been a week since Chelsea was born, Tinka her 16 year old aunt was watching her.  She needed to get Chelsea out of here, Chelsea was going to grow up with an irresponsible mother and an alcoholic and abusive father Tinka thought.  Her sister couldn't care for a newborn baby, let alone herself.  Tinka made a plan to take away the baby and move to a safe suburbain place where Chelsea could grow up safely.
* * * * * * 17 years later * * * * * * 
       "Chelsea, get up now you're going to be late for school," her aunt Tinka yelled from the kitchen, Chelsea glanced at the clock 7:45 crap.  Chelsea hoped up, threw on some jeans and a top and pulled her brown hair into a tight perfect ponytail. She made her way down the stairs, grabbed a pop-tart and started out the door, but before she made it through her aunt grabbed her into a hug.  "Happy 17th birthday Chels."
       "Thanks Tinka," Chelsea said, "I have to go or I'll be late and Mr. Snow will lock me out like he did last time."
       "Okay," aunt Tinka said "be careful...."

Friday, April 15, 2011

This Is Where I'm From

I am from Tide detergent,
From Colgate and Tresseme shampoo.
I am from the football lying in the back yard.
(Brown, dirty, it felt like happiness in my hands.)
I am from my pool
The 4ft deep water
Whose glistening waves I remember
As when they calmed my anxiety.

I am from spaghetti and cherries,
From giant green grapes and strawberries.
I am from the geeks
And the nerds, from Cheer-up! And Shut-up!
I am from told-you sos
And I hate you
I am from the wind that whips
Through my hair on a hot day.

I am from books and drawing,
As i did relaxing on my front porch.
I am from Monopoly and Candyland,
From Mario and spyro that me and my brother loved to play.
I'm from barbeques and wet dog,
As the smells I grew up with.

I am from the place where my heart was born,
The town with a community where most everyone knows each other.
I am from the photos that hang from the walls,
The rewards that we hang on the refrigerator.
I am from the place I call my own,
The place I feel safe.